Giulia Apice was born in Frosinone, June 29, 1997. She graduated from the Liceo Classico and went on to study at the Academy of Belle Arti, Frosinone 2019-2020 where she received a diploma in Decoration. She was a recipient of the National Art Prize in 2017/18 and participated in Art Verona, festival of Veronetta, as a young emerging artist. In 2018 she also participated in the group show “Giovani in Chiostro” in the Abbey of Montecassino. In 2019 she took part in the “Riscatta la Cultura” project, in Prossedi and Atelier #2, HDEMIA, Macro Asilo, Roma. In 2020 she participated in a group show Federarte “Arte alle Sodine” and co-founded the art magazine and virtual gallery “spécola”. In 2021, Apice participated in the exhibit “Costanti Variabili at the Chiesa degli Scolopi ad Alatri. She was also chosen as an artist in residence by the Citylab/Spazio, 2021. In the same year she participated in “La comunità inoperosa” at Palazzo Ducale, Tagliacozzo and Arteporto, in “Fuori Confine” at the Porti Imperiali di Claudio e Traiano. In 2022 she installed a work in the Galleria Ada (Carlotta Mastroianni) Art Advisor and participated in their show “Bayractar”. She also participated in the “Unconventional Vision” exhibit, 2022, at Palazzo Velli Expo, Rome.

Donated Artwork

I'm water, 2021
20 x 20 cm
Cyanotype on paper
Value €